

途中のMt.Cook Lookoutにて雲の切れ間からマウント・クック(中央)が頭をのぞかせた。

Aoraki=cloud in the sky, ao=cloud, raki=the Sky-Father

Mt.Cook 標高3754m、 NZ最高峰。

”The mountains inspired fear,awe and respect for they were the places of the atua and other spirits.
Generally,Maori would not climb to the summit of tapu mountains.
The bones of high ranking men and women were laid to rest in burial caves on their tapu mountain.
However the songs, poetry and speeches on the marae of Ngai Tahu are full of references to Aoraki.
The high places are the most significant landmarks, and their physical presence
as ancestors render them inseparable from their tribal association and relationships.
Ngai Tahu seek to encourage respect for their association with Aoraki by providing education material 
to climber and guides, explaining that standing on the very top of this mountain denigrates its tapu status.”

from New Zealand Department of Conservation (D.O.C)- Te Papa Atawhai

atua=deity(神)、 tapu=divine(神聖な)


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